Expanding Motherhood

Erin's Inner Voice Sessions:

Unlocking Your Intuition for Personal Growth and Clarity

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Inner Voice Facilitator Session Details

Unlock the Power of Your Intuition with Erin


What You'll Experience:

90-Minute Personalized Sessions

Dive deep into a journey of self-discovery with Erin, a skilled facilitator who will guide you in connecting with your inner voice.

Introduction to Inner Voice

Begin with an insightful introduction about understanding and accessing your inner voice.

Focused Exploration

 Whether you have a specific topic in mind or a broader range of questions, Erin will help you tune into your intuition for answers and clarity.

Customized Follow-Up Sessions

 Delve deeper into specific areas of interest or explore various methods of communication and analysis in subsequent sessions.


  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Discover the wisdom that lies within and learn to trust your intuition.
  • Tailored Guidance: Each session is customized to your personal journey and goals.
  • Versatile Applications: Apply insights from your inner voice to various aspects of your life for a more fulfilled and balanced experience.
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I'm Erin McMahon


My spiritual journey upleveled  in 2020 (hello, pandemic) when my best friend told me about the inner voice. In college, I studied traditional religious traditions, and considered myself spiritual - with various degrees of focus over the years. I’d describe myself as a fair weather spiritual person. The fall of 2020  was the first time that I really focused on consistent communication with the spirit inside of me. 


I finally realized that my judgmental, perfectionist, neurotic mind was not my true self - but letting it lead me was probably holding me back.  My mind is one part of me. I started regularly connecting with my true self - the calm, peaceful part of me that I would often connect with when doing things I loved - like writing, running, meditating, or creating in some way. 

Since then, I've made it a daily practice to put my sacred self first - and to learn from others who have been exploring spirituality from ancient history to present day. 

My goal is to share what I've learned and help others find the most inspired and fulfilling path for them. 


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